We strive to create projects and programs that will transform mindsets and help break the stigma of scoliosis

Welcome To Back To Healing



Your generous donation contributes towards creating life-changing scoliosis empowerment initiatives.

Our Team

Meet our diverse leadership team of experts that help transform lives.


Read our inspiring Scoliwarrior stories from all walks of life.

About Us

As of 2023, Back to Healing (BTH) has reached more than 6.9 million people. By focusing on the artistic beauty and the unique physical impact spinal curvatures have on the human body, we aim to reach millions more. Through impactful projects, programs, campaigns and mission trips, we break through both physical and mental health stigmas encountered within our society. As research shows, the psychological effects of scoliosis is an invisible, yet ever present burden carried by individuals facing its challenges on a daily basis. Therefore, we at BTH truly believe in celebrating the remarkable stories of our Scoli Warriors to advance society’s and healthcare provider’s understanding of the emotional impact and need for empowerment, diversity and representation within the scoliosis community.

Founded in 2016 as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, BTH’s mission is to improve the quality of life of individuals affected by scoliosis through mental health awareness, empowerment, education and advocacy.

Our Stories

Joe (2)

2018 Stories

Joe O’Brien Was A Junior In High School When He Was Diagnosed With Scoliosis; At The Time He Was 15 Years Old. Initially, He Felt Alone, Afraid, And As A Fraction Of Himself; Still, He Viewed His Entrance Into The Hospital As An Adventure.


2020 Stories

Dennis Is 7 Years Old And Was Born On June 5, 2013. He Is A Sierra Leonean, Born And Raised In Freetown.

Samantha Quinones Basel final

2021 Stories

Health struggles have always been prevalent in Samantha’s life. She was diagnosed with Development Delay, Intellectual Delay, and Abnormality of the white matter of her brain at the age of two years old.

Jamie_ Penelope and Vivienne Jahnkes1

2023 Stories

Jamie has 3 children who have all been diagnosed with Scoliosis. Penelope (age 5) is the youngest child and was the first to be diagnosed, she was a month shy of turning 2 when the x-ray results came back. Vivienne (age 8) was diagnosed a few months after Penelope when she was 6 years old.


2024 Stories

Melodie Goncalves, in her early 20s, feels like she is actively processing what having scoliosis means to her. Having just graduated as a first generation American, receiving the esteemed Jean Garrigue Award for Creative Writing, Melodie is looking forward to what lies ahead and is hopeful that finding a scoliosis community will provide some relief and understanding of not only her diagnosis but also what she experiences daily.

Our Current Supporters

Our 'Healing Minds and Spines' Mission Trips

Early screening, observation, and treatment are known to prevent spinal conditions such as scoliosis and kyphosis from progressing to severity. In many parts of Africa and throughout the Caribbean, both awareness and care are scarce for these conditions and as a result, the curvatures progress until they become extremely dangerous. High magnitudes of spinal curvatures not only result in significant cosmetic abnormality and impaired posture, but also compromises the lungs, heart, and spinal cord.

With an elite group of minority surgeons, medical volunteers, and psychologists who have a passion for helping communities in need, the ‘Healing of Minds and Spines’ program will consist of week-long informative mission trips. The goal of these trips is to combat global health disparities in Africa and throughout the Caribbean by providing access to quality healthcare, mental health resources, and training and education. Simultaneously, the program aims to increase representation of leading minority healthcare workers.


Our Press


40% of individuals affected by scoliosis are more likely to have suicidal thoughts due to perceived self-image and appearance. Your generous donation to BTH contributes towards creating life-changing scoliosis empowerment initiatives.

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