Our Back to Healing ‘A Curved Reality’ Scoliosis Empowerment Exhibition in partnership with @cedarssinai was just featured in LA Weekly!!! 💚😍🥰👏🏻👏🏼👏🏽👏🏾👏🏿
Our exhibition consists of 10 large-scale black and white portraits of five inspiring people, from all walks of life, that have been severely affected by scoliosis. It also includes the inspiring stories on how these unique individuals continue to overcome the limitations and challenges of scoliosis through positive and impactful living! 🏆
Read our incredible writeup here —> https://www.laweekly.com/back-to-healing-partners-with-cedars-sinai-medical-center-for-a-powerful-exhibit/
Want to join our team? Please send us an email at BacktoHealing.Info@gmail.com
#BacktoHealing #Scoliosis #ScoliosisAwareness #ScoliWarrior#BentNotBroken