Elina Diaz
Elina, a vibrant 9 year old from Miami, Florida, was diagnosed with scoliosis at the young and impressionable age of eight.
Her treatment consisted of the challenging task of wearing a brace for 18 hours a day.
Though the diagnosis had far-reaching impacts on Elina’s life, her bravery shined through each step of the way. She was limited in her activities at school and felt insecure about being touched because very few people knew of Elina’s brace. However, Elina is passionate about finding activities where she can thrive. When she isn’t sharpening her Warrior II yoga skills, she spends her time practicing art, fashion design, and ballet. She prides herself on achieving high marks in school, despite her hidden struggles.

Elina wants to inspire young Scoliwarriors to believe in themselves and their capabilities. Her two quick tips are to sign up with ScoliosisUS for their free mentorship program, and with Higgy Bears for a miniature brace for your favorite toy or doll to wear. Most importantly, she wants others to know they are not alone! She wants her story to help others cope and thrive with their diagnosis and treatment.