Melodie Goncalves
- Scoliosis Advocate
Melodie Goncalves, in her early 20s, feels like she is actively processing what having scoliosis means to her.
Having just graduated as a first generation American, receiving the esteemed Jean Garrigue Award for Creative Writing, Melodie is looking forward to what lies ahead and is hopeful that finding a scoliosis community will provide some relief and understanding of not only her diagnosis but also what she experiences daily.
“I sometimes feel stressed because I feel it shouldn’t be a big deal, but it is for me. It affects me and what I can do as I get older.”
Although she was diagnosed at the age of 11, Melodie did not truly notice her scoliosis for the first time until recently due to her increased pain level. Hesitant to make a doctor’s appointment as she did not want her symptom to be dismissed or brushed aside, as had been her experience with other medical concerns, she was compelled to act due to her increased discomfort and was prescribed physical therapy.
Melody is just now learning that there are organizations like Back to Healing that provide community and advocacy. She feels like she is still trying to wrap my head around her condition.
“I love to crochet, write creatively and play cozy games. I can’t wait until I can be in less pain so I can focus on my favorite people and my favorite hobbies!”